Quinn and Claire decided to get married in the Hong Kong temple since they both served their missions there and have a history on that side of the world...pretty crazy, but I didn't complain because I got to go to Hong Kong! :) We left the day after Christmas and were there for about a week. It was a very eventful, wonderful week. Here are some of the Pictures.
Sight seeing and shopping with the fam before Quinn became dead to us:) It was fun to spend time with Claire's family as well! We knew them in Singapore when we both lived there about ten years ago or so.

I was able to go through the temple the day before the wedding since my mission papers are almost in. It was so special and I'm so grateful for my testimony and the blessings the gopsel brings into my life. The sealing was beautiful and the couple was as happy as could be. What a wonderful thing it is that they are truly sealed for eternity. They couldn't have found better matches than each other and I'm so excited for them to begin a new and exciting journey, starting their new life together... in Boston!
I'm so grateful that I have a testimony that my family can be together for eternity if we all endure to the end and strive our best to live our lives the way the Savior would have us live. My family is so precious to me and I am so excited for Quinn to have his own family now! What an exciting thing that is. He has been one of my greatest examples and one of my best friends. Even though I will miss him tremendously now that he has entered a new phase of life, I know I can still be with him for eternity and I'm so excited that we have added a new member to our family! Welcome to the Garner family Claire!:)

On New Years day, my mom, dad, gena and I went to Ocean Park, an amuzement park that is a small scaled Sea World. It was a blast! We rode a cable car with an amazing view, rode roller coasters, watched a dolphin show, and got to see panda bears and other fun animals.

On one of our last days in Hong Kong we were able to meet up with an old family friend, Tony Tsang. We met at Time Square and went to lunch. My dad used to work with him and we've been friends throughout the years. He is such a nice guy.

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