Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week with Mom

My mom came and stayed for a week with me in my apartment up at school and it was so much fun. We went out to eat a lot, cooked in my little kitchen together, celebrated my 21st, and got to see old Singapore friends!

Bean Museum!!!

Anyone who really knows me knows I have an OBSESSION with the Bean Museum. I dont know what it is about it but going there just gives me a rush. It makes me so excited for some reason! And I never get sick of it! So, of course while my mom was visiting we took a trip there. My mom used to do taxidermy!

Blackburn Reunion

In June we had a Blackburn family reunion in St. George. It was so fun to see family that I hadn't see in a while and to get a way from Provo for a bit. We stayed in a little town home there and had a lot of fun playing games, swimming, and celebrating mine and Denise's b-days at an amazing sushi restaurant where they gave us our dinner for free!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cal's Bachelorette Party

We went to Applebees for one last night of the five of us being single ladies! It was so fun. I love these girls. FOR LIFE! We couldn't resist doing the face game while we waited for our food.. Ha.