Sunday, February 7, 2010

Heaven on Earth

This past week was SUCH a good week. I had the opportunity to do a session with Joslyn on Tuesday night and a session with my parents on Thursday night. Its amazing how much better I feel after I leave the temple. The spirit is so strong there, it truly is the house of the Lord.
This was only one of the reasons I had such a good week... of course another one of the reasons is because my mission call came! I'm going to the Philippines, Quezon City Mission, speaking Tagalog and I report April 21st! I am unbelievably excited! I know that's where the Lord wants me to serve and I can't wait to get out and be with the people of the Philippines.
Other than that, I got a few babysitting jobs which was nice because I'm in need of some cash and I also have been exercising everyday with also keeps me happy! So yeah. Life is just good. I don't doubt that I'm where I'm supposed to be right now. I love being with my family and I love the Indigo Bay Ward! People have been so friendly and welcoming and there always seems to be something fun going on. I thought I would be missing Provo a ton if I moved home and of course there are people that I miss but I have been pleasantly surprised by how content I am here for the time being! The Lord's hand is in my life and I love it!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Isn't it Ironic?

OH. MY. GOSH. So my mom asked me to go up in the attic to get some boxes down and as I was climbing up the ladder I was telling her how much I hated ladders and we started talking about how my mom got hurt one time going up into the attic and sure enough (don't ask me WHAT I was thinking) as I got to the top and stepped off the ladder I forgot that I was supposed to step onto the beams and I stepped onto the ply wood and FELL THROUGH THE ATTIC. bahahaha. I am so lucky that there were boxes there to catch my fall and that I didn't break any bones. all I ended up with was a few scrapes and cuts and a little soreness. It was terrifying though. Ha. My mom was a mess but after we came back out to look at the mess I created we ended up laughing our heads off and I said a prayer of gratitude that our garage has so much junk in so I had cushioning on the way down:) What a blessing. Here's the damage:
The hole I fell through:

The broken ceiling:

The boxes that saved me:So blessed that this was the worst of it (I will say though.. its worse than this picture makes it look and it burns pretty bad. I think I'll be sore tomorrow. Ha.)
Oh man. What a morning. Ha.